Mark Robijn

Mark Robijn
Celebrating the Joy of Writing

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Query Letters are tough!

Working on a query letter right now for my screenplay.  Knowing just what to say to grab a reader's attention is hard. I think that writing query letters seems almost harder than writing the book or screenplay. You have to be a good salesman, and that's something I've never excelled at. 

Believe me, I've tried. I don't know how many people have had phone soliciting jobs, but I did, once in my youth.  How do you describe the depth of gloom that pervaded that place?  The desperate people all trying to sound happy as they pitched the plastic siding materials to old ladies that couldn't give a crap.  And if somebody else made a sale, it just made you feel that worse, and more frantic to make a sale yourself. 

Someday I'll have to write a story about that experience, because the feelings there were so raw and so real, it's worth capturing on paper.

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