Mark Robijn

Mark Robijn
Celebrating the Joy of Writing

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Feast of the Dead

brutal sun broils the desert sand
above they fly in a lazy circle, patient, waiting
something is dead or dying.
soon they will enjoy a Feast of the Dead.

he drove a beat-up old red Chevy pickup
told her they were going to Del Rio
but he never planned for her to get that far
planned a Feast of the Dead

she was leaving him
it made him crazy
he couldn’t stand it
one of them had to die

but she fought back, grabbed the gun
the shot echoed in the hot air
he panicked, slipped, she grabbed the keys, 
took off, turned the tables on him

now she was gone, now he was alone
no water, no shelter, no sound
 a hundred miles of rock and heat
a lot of time to think about choices

as they circle, circle
eyes watching him
walk, then crawl, then lie still
waiting for their Feast of the Dead.

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