Warning: Mild Spoilers Ahead
Hello friends and fellow movie enthusiasts. This is my humble review of Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga. Feel free to tell me if you disagree with my conclusions and my opinions. I would be interested in your take on it as well.
I started watching this movie with the highest expectations. The concept and idea of the movie were very funny and creative. Will Farrel is a great comedian, and almost everything he does is funny, so I was looking forward to a very funny film.
Will Farrel was funny in this, but unfortunately, there wasn't enough good humor in it to showcase his talents.
The move starts out with a scene when the main protagonists are children and dancing to Abba. While the first scene was funny, it was not particularly well written or believable. It was very formulaic and a clear set up to the story that follows. It needed to have a little more heart and feeling.
Fast forward to the years later when Will Farrel and Rachel Adams, i.e., Lars and Sigrit, are trying to get into the Eurovision Song Contest. There is no real backstory about their lives, what they gave up to get there, how they lost opportunities for greater things, etc., just that they are there.
The songs they sing are not particularly good, so we don't get the sense that they are really talented and start rooting for them. Once again, the scenes seem very expected and nothing particularly memorable. The characters of the Swedish patrons are all very stereotypical and not particularly funny.
They end up getting into the contest, not by their efforts, which would make us want to root for them, but simply by a random chance. This makes them seem very silly and not worthy of the chance. We have not been privy to their dreams or aspirations, so we really don't know why we should be rooting for them at all, really.
Once they get on stage, the scene is utterly unbelievable and ridiculous, way over the top. It doesn't set up any tension at all and is simply dumb.
Then, in a totally unbelievable coincidence, all the other contestants blow up, for what reason we are never told. And behold, our terrible singers are in the contest. Why are we rooting for them now? They are not any good, we don't know why they want to be in the contest. they really are cardboard characters that we still don't really know.
From here on, this movie is a one-trick pony, the same joke over and over. This movie lacks other jokes and humor that would make it more interesting. All the acts are silly and obnoxious, the one joke throughout the movie.
This movie needed a subplot, like Lars' father having cancer and this being his last chance to be proud of his son, or a secret plot to kills someone.
As this movie stands, it was mildly fun. The two actors in the lead were entertaining and did their best to make the movie fun, and they were both entertaining. There just wasn't enough humor to go around.
My rating B-.
Thanks for reading.
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